About Us

The keMission is to radically change the Internet experience for everybody by empowering website owners with cutting-edge web engine, simple to deploy and maintain, easy to expand, which will transform e-visitors in e-regulars. We encourage the growth of the Internet, by providing dynamic intelligent websites. Furthermore, we will research and develop the latest in technology and implement these solutions into ke exceeding our client's expectations.

Hi! I am Lorin Morar and I would like to introduce you to ke - the next generation web engine software. ke is the result of years of intense work, design and redesign, and a lot of coding. It all started with my irrational idea of having a website, but one I can easily update and grow, but, more importantly, a website that will not give me 'linking headaches'. I only wanted to be able to add a page of content and the page to be available on the website, without me spending hours on adding the link to the other pages. This was the original idea; everything else grew from there...

ke is the complete solution to establish and grow an online presence. If you are serious about being successful in the virtual world, you should know that the days of static pages are long gone. Nobody can give a better alternative for a website. Building and maintaining a dynamic website is not an easy or inexpensive task, and if you did shop around or build a website previously, you will find ke prices unbeatable.

ke logo ke is a software package written in Java and Delphi, with SQL Server as underlying database, and has two main software components: web and admin. The web package is a Java servlet farm and is responsible to show web content to visitors on the website. Every time a visitor clicks on a website that has ke as its engine, like you just did now, ke web package is in charge of getting the data from the database, process it and show it. The website's administrator will use the admin package (keAdmin) to access the database and make changes. keAdmin makes content management easy and flexible, allowing you to add, delete and update the content, change the web design, grant or deny access to content based on five user level and / or subscriptions, get instant traffic reports and much more.

With ke you can start small and grow as your online community grows. ke offers you, not only a store building solution, but a list of other features that will help you attract new visitors and keep the one you have. ke offers you the chance to build your own portal, whether your target audience is your family and friends, customers, neighborhood, city, or the world, with a little effort and a fraction of the price compared with the big players.

Now you can design your website to fit your business needs, not the other way around. Design your own fields for the products you want to sell online and ke will bring your data to live. No software development skills required, just common sense.

All forms on the website have error handling and automatic feedback build-in. Give friendly errors to your users, change the error descriptions anytime, change the error styles with a snap, three steps form submission (data entry and validation, verify data, submit data), automatically send a "Thank You" email to the user, automatically send a "Feedback Email" to all website managers. Modules like Message Boards, Calendar, Business and Product Directories, Shopping Card, Promos for Content, Users, Business, Products and Events, Random Content, Newsletters, Discount Coupons, are tools at your disposal to help you grow the website at your own pace.