ke Technical Documentation

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Bookmark User Check

The bookmark user check function is used to display content based on the existion of a bookmark for a certain object made by the user. The bookmark user check function format is as follows:

Function format:



  • bookmark_value - the code of the object for which the bookmark was created (url, user code, partner code, product code etc.)
  • bookmark_type - 0 for URL, 1 for user, 2 for partner, 3 for product, 4 for classified, 5 for blog, 6 for auction, 7 for eGroup, custom
  • bookmark_group
  • username - the username of the user beeing checked
  • bookmark_privacy - private or public
  • bookmark_status - active is -1
  • label
  • label_visible - -1 for all, 0 for not visible only, 1 for visible only

Available datetime format keywords:

  • |SHOW_ONVISITOR_END_username|
  • |SHOW_ONNOTUSED_END_username|
  • |SHOW_ONUSED_START_username|
  • |SHOW_ONUSED_END_username|



content to be shown if no bookmarks were found

content to be shown if a bookmarks was found


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